September 20–Alone or Lonely?

Happy Thursday. How are you doing this week? It seems this week I’ve encountered several people who are simply lonely. Some of them are surrounded by others but have this overwhelming sense of loneliness—that feeling of isolation in the middle of a crowd. I’m learning to live alone and often times the feeling of alone get to me and when that happens, I go somewhere where I can find people. But the feeling of being alone is not the same as loneliness. Jesus knew the difference and experienced both. And I know the difference because I have experienced both and I know that you don’t fix loneliness by jumping in the car. 

Jesus went off every day to be alone for his time to seek God’s face and pray. Every day. (Ever wonder if it’s important to find that alone time to pray? Every day? Evidently Jesus thinks it’s very important since He did.) But there was a time before He was killed that even his very closest friends deserted Him. The feelings of isolation, separation and abandonment, were all very real for Jesus when even “His Father turned His face away” on the day He paid the price for our sin. 

Jesus has experienced every human emotion so He fully understands us. There is nothing we can struggle through that He does not understand. He is a good friend and mediator for us. He will never abandon us or separate himself Himself from us. Alone or lonely, Jesus knows, and He doesn’t just care, He totally gets it and He’s there for you. 

Dear Jesus, thank you for coming to earth as a man who would come to feel every emotion and hurt that we feel so that you can help us through every one of these seasons of life. You are such a good God and you care about us so much—to think the King of Glory who will come again to redeem His church cares for little old me. That takes my breath away! All our praise and honor to you. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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