September 18-The Bandit

Happy Tuesday to you. It’s going to be a good day and we are going to rejoice because it’s the day the Lord has made. Last week one of my teenage heart throbs died. Burt Reynolds, aka the Bandit. In 1977 when Sally Fields and Burt were racing across the south in that black Thunderbird, there just wasn’t anything that we thought was much cooler. Now Burt has died, Sally has osteoporosis, and the 1977 T-birds are all rusted and for the most part, in junkyards somewhere. Time changes the perspective of what’s cool, doesn’t it? About everything but Christ. 

“Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So do not be attracted by strange, new ideas. Your strength comes from God’s grace...For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come.” Hebrews‬ ‭13:8-9a, 14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Celebrities and even great leaders alway have an Achilles heel—someplace where they are weak. But we don’t follow a celebrity or just any leader; we serve the greatest leader history has ever know. A leader who has never make a mistake and a leader who has no weakness. He is perfect for this generation just like he has been perfect for every generation before us and every generation to come. He is perfect for every culture, every color, every tribe, every kindred, every economic group. He is worthy for us to imitate and to worship. His passion and love for us never changes. His willingness to bear God's anger for our sin never changes. We can trust Him because no matter what happens today, He will always put us in a place to face this life with His power and come out victorious. Always. Because He (unlike the Bandit) never changes. 

Dear Father, thank you for Jesus. Thank you that He never changes and through time, He is always the same—the perfect example of your heart. When we question whether You love us, or if you see where we struggle, or if you know we are hurting, we can look at Jesus and see You. Thank you for Jesus and the price he paid for us. Today when we have needs, give us a heart to trust Your unfailing, unrelenting love. When we look at the future, give us a boldness to strive with confidence because we know who walks before us. We love you and worship you this day. Hallelujah to the King. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one, 



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