September 15-Thirsty Much?


It’s the weekend and fall is in the air. I saw red maples yesterday starting to turn and the sumac is looking rusty. Fall is coming and we are working this yard so it can be in and growing before it gets cold. One thing I was concerned about was there was no water going to the flower bed and that seems pretty vital to me. I asked my yard guy about that and he said “We are putting in a drop line for their roots.” Putting the water directly where it needs to be to do the plant the most good. Just like little springs coming from the earth. 

I couldn’t help but think of all the references to water but especially to springs that the Bible uses. But as I stared at one little plant that was wilted from the hot sun, Rev. 7:17 kept playing over and over in my head. 

“For the Lamb on the throne will be their Shepherd. He will lead them to springs of life-giving water. And God will wipe every tear from their eyes.””

‭‭Revelation‬ ‭7:17‬

And there are times I feel just as wilted as that plant. I need a drink of the living water desperately and there is nothing else that will satisfy. I can try all sorts of things to try to fill that need, but everything else just leaves me thirsty. It’s like when you get hot and need a drink and all that’s available is a sugary something—even though it’s wet and you drink it, you’re still thirsty. You need water. 

And that’s how we are. We need to just set up a drip line so we can have the Living Water delivered straight to our souls. But setting it up is only part of it. Next, we’ve got to make sure we regularly and consistently turn that spigot on. Get the Living Water to your soul and quench your thirst. 

Dear Father in heaven thank you for providing the way to quench our thirsty souls. You lead us to that life giving water and and full us with you. We offer to you our sacrifice of praise and we ask for your blessings. Oh God we are so in awe of you and your majesty and that you care for each of us—to wipe our tears. Hallelujah to our King. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend and enjoy your weekend,



  1. Your words refresh my spirit.

    John 4:4-26
    :...but whoever drinks of the water that I will give him shall never thirst; but the water that I will give him will become in him a well of water springing up to eternal life."


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