September 10-Legacies

Happy Monday. I hope you had a great weekend and were able to spent time in worship with fellow believers. That’s always the highlight of my week. On Saturday, my granddaughter turned 18...little Bailey is an adult. How fast the time flies! It seemed that my kids grew up quickly, but my grandkids grow up so much faster. I think if there is one thing I’ve come to realize it’s that time really does fly. It moves at such a rapid pace and the things that I once thought were so important, I realize now are a little silly and shallow. And my silly and shallow self is not what I want my legacy to be. 

Leaving a legacy is about becoming that person you want to be—that person you hope those close to you see. Yet, sometimes I get caught in the trap of wondering if I can ever DO enough or if I can ever BE enough? Can I be perfect enough so they will know what’s important to me? I can’t mess up or they won’t think I am really running the race. Then, I remember that Jesus taught us that I don’t have to DO or BE anything other than exactly I am and I certainly don’t have to be perfect. 

“What can we bring to the Lord? Should we bring him burnt offerings? Should we bow before God Most High with offerings of yearling calves? Should we offer him thousands of rams and ten thousand rivers of olive oil? Should we sacrifice our firstborn children to pay for our sins? No, O people, the Lord has told you what is good, and this is what he requires of you: to do what is right, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.”

‭‭Micah‬ ‭6:6-8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I heard yesterday something that sums it all up. “If you want to be religious, work on being good. If you want to follow Jesus, work on loving others.” And that’s the crux of it. Love God and love others. The kicker is loving ALL others. Yeah, even those that are unloveable. And how on earth is that possible? Only if the love of Jesus flows from us. 

Dear Lord thank you for leading us to the cross where we could meet you. Thank you for not requiring us to be perfect to be acceptable in your sight. We thank you loving us and accepting us right where we are. You are a good and holy God and we worship you and give you praise this day. Walk with us this week, go before us and surround us with your presence, we pray. Hosanna in the highest, O Lord Jesus come and come quickly. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend,



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