August 29–instant

Happy Wednesday! I hope you’re having a good week. One of the things I splurged on in my new house was continuous hot water. When that machine went on the wall, I got pretty giddy thinking about it. Yesterday while I was unpacking in my kitchen I kept hearing this beeping noise. I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from until I went into the garage and then it was evident. I opened the utility doors and the little box on the wall was flashing “29” and beeping very angrily at me. So I did what anyone in my situation would do. I turned it off and called for help! 

A very nice guy came and it took him about 5 minutes to figure it out and fix it. And Just like that, hot water again. That hot water didn’t have to sit in a tank to get hot. As soon as he turned the unit back on, my water was hot. It was instantly hot. 

I want to be like that when I’m in a situation that calls for me to talk about Jesus. I don’t want to have to sit in a tank and warm up to the idea—I don’t want to have to read my Bible and pray for the right words—I want to be instantly ready to jump in and share. If I can’t do that, how many opportunities will be lost? 

But for my hot water machine to work properly, there was some expertise that went into the installation of it. It wasn’t just delivered and plugged in. For me to be instantly hot to share the gospel, i can’t just assume I’ll know. I’ve got to put preparation and study into it. Just like the guy who came to fix my machine had studied for quite some time and developed an expertise, I need to study and develop an expertise. Because this whole thing of following Jesus is not about a passive life; we have been called to be active in our zeal for Christ. This life with Jesus is life on mission. 

“These were his instructions to them: “The harvest is great, but the workers are few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send more workers into his fields. Now go, and remember that I am sending you out as lambs among wolves.”

‭‭Luke‬ ‭10:2-3‬ NLT

Dear Jesus help us to prepare our selves and our hearts to be always instant with your great Good News. To be able to share with confidence and knowledge your plans for good for our friends and neighbors and strangers we may encounter. Help us to understand we are missionaries where ever we are planted and help us be ever mindful that if we follow you, we are living life on mission. We give our sacrifice of praise to you because of your great and marvelous love for us. You are a good, good Father and our only great King. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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