August 21-Going though the Motions?

Happy Tuesday to you! Well, it’s just 2 days away from my move-in day and I’m getting a little giddy. There are still several things to finish, but I’m pretty sure they’ll be on it and get them done. 

I heard a story the other day about a boy entering college who had been looking for a part time job for the last two months. He was getting really frustrated because he wasn’t getting any call backs when his mother realized he’d not been writing down his email address correctly—he’d left out a number. He said “I haven’t been putting down that 99.” He had no idea that leaving out the numbers would make any difference. So as he’d been taking applications everywhere, they had incorrect information as to how to contact him. 

I kept thinking about giving out information about ourselves and the many ways we do that. For example in just the way we go through life in the ways we talk and interact with people, we share all sorts of information with them. If we are kind and considerate, or negative and sarcastic. Do we make people feel like we genuinely care about them or that we just need to get this over with? When those encounters occur, do I leave something important out? Am I representing the Lord my God in the way I should or am I leaving out a vital piece of myself? Am I being a real example of Christ or just going through the motions? 

“Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.”

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭11:1‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Matthew West wrote a song that speaks to this very thing—being just half hearted, and not giving it all. 

“I don't wanna go through the motions

I don't wanna go one more day Without Your all consuming passion inside of me

I don't wanna spend my whole life asking, What if I had given everything,

Instead of going through the motions?”

What would happen if we did more than the motions? If we gave everything? Even the numbers...even that special part of ourselves we are holding back? Are we afraid of that all consuming passion? Or...

Dear Jesus thank you that your promises are new every morning and that every day is a fresh day for us. We have a new opportunity to serve you better, to love you deeper, and to give of ourselves openly. You are our Rock and our Fortress and we know we can trust in you when we open up and accept your all consuming passion. We want to be your hands and feet in this world of hurt and confusion, sadness and death. Help us Lord to give our all. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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