August 16-Coming Home

Happy Thursday to you. I hope the week is going well for you. Last night I got to see Keith Urban up close and personal in concert. I’ve always been a fan of his - I know a couple of stories about him that connect him to friends of mine in SW Missouri. I understand from them he is a really good guy. Besides that, he can without doubt tear up a guitar and sing like crazy. 

But one song in particular he sang was a little haunting. 

The place that I know where they all know me

I gotta get back now to the ones who love me

Wrap myself around you, never let you go

There's nothin' in the world that feels like....Coming home

Coming home. As he sang about that all I could think of was does he really know what a true homegoing is? Will he ever feel that calm assurance that we rest in to know there is hope beyond the grave and we know we’ll be coming home, where nothing in this world feels like that for sure. 

“For this world is not our permanent home; we are looking forward to a home yet to come.”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭13:14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I need to be reminded (and sometimes pretty often) that this world isn’t our real home. I tend to get caught up in new houses and furniture and what ever else is on my radar at the time and worry about it like it’s of vital importance. But we ARE only passing through and our treasures really should be laid up beyond the blue. And if we get too at home in this world, then we aren’t beckoned by heaven, are we? 

Dear Lord, thank you for the promise of heaven and giving us that blessed hope and assurance of our permanent home. We love you and we lift your name this day. You are El Elyon, the God most high and we praise you because you are holy and worthy. Guard us this day and help us to be ever mindful of where our treasures need to be placed. We love you Lord and we lift our voices to you. Amen and amen.  

Have a wonderful day

Love you dear one, 



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