August 15-Refuel

It’s Wednesday already! The middle of the week and sometimes it seems like it’s still a long way to the end. Every day between now and my moving day is full of stuff and I was trying to make time for one more thing yesterday. Do you ever seem to be so busy that you can’t find time for the important things yet, it seems like it will be a very long time before you get a break? Any relief?

Last week a friend sent me one of Rick Warren’s devotions on refueling and it reminded me of when Tal was newly commissioned, he was stationed at Warrensburg where most of the B2 bombers are kept. They are very expensive and highly guarded airplanes. The pilots who fly them spend most of their training time on the simulators rather than the real planes themselves. Tal had a friend who was a pilot and was able to get us and Larry and Jamie back to fly a simulator. It was a pretty amazing experience! One of the things we tried to do in our simulation was to refuel the plane mid flight. It was very hard and we all messed up pretty badly. But inflight fueling is vital for the long missions those planes fly. The pilots train (in pairs) 24 and 48 hour missions in those plane simulators. 

Likewise, mid flight fueling is vital for us as well. Many times as we go though our day, we hit a wall (or even a rock) and we are totally out of gas. We have to get something from somewhere but what do you do? You can’t just take a vacation every time you want to refuel. You can’t run to the beach or the mountains or even take a night out every time the going gets tough and often times in that moment, you don’t really have the opportunity to take out your Bible and read it for 15 minutes. But you can close your eyes and say “Jesus, help me right here, right now because I need you in this place to renew my spirit.” Yeah. You can do that. 

“I cried out, “I am slipping!” but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.” Psalms‬ ‭94:18-19‬ ‭NLT‬‬

His unfailing love will respond to the most simple of prayers, if we but remember He is there. There are those moments in everyday when we need to just close our eyes, take a breath, remember He is near, and feel His presence surround us. Whisper a prayer as the old song goes. Refuel mid flight. 

Dear Jesus, thank you for your ever presence and the fact that anywhere, anytime we can call on you. We don’t have to have a ritual or a formal altar because your holy presence lives in us. There are times though our day we are desperate for you and you are there. Praise you Lord for always being there for us and helping us with every situation. We love you and lift your name. Holy is the Lord God Almighty. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend, 



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