August 11

It’s the weekend and for the children in southwest Missouri, the last one of summer! School begins next week and this past few days have been a flurry of getting getting classrooms ready, buying school clothes (instead of vacation clothes), buying school supplies, and all the other assorted things that go along with back-to-school. 

As a child, I was always so excited to get back to school—sometimes it even happened on my birthday! I loved school. The excitement, my new zipper bag with my new pencils and fresh paper. It was great. I wanna go with the kids and just take in the smells and hear their excited giggles. Learning. It is exciting and we should never stop. We are created to be curious creatures and to learn all of our lives. 

Not only should we seek God and His word every day, but we need to be asking “Father what do you want me to learn today?” What new truth can I gather from you? His mercies are new every morning, and so are His words. You may have read a passage a dozen times before, but there is a newness, He will bring to it if you but approach your reading in that way. 

Never stop this learning process. Grab commentaries, expositors, Bible handbooks, and dig deeper! It’s back to school time and we should be about our Father’s business and the learning of this marvelous, holy word that He has given us. Should we be casually leafing through? Just pulling a verse here and there? Or do should we be studying this book like the amazing, unique, inspired scripture that it is? 

“Instead you thrill to GOD ’s Word, you chew on Scripture day and night. You’re a tree replanted in Eden, bearing fresh fruit every month, Never dropping a leaf, always in blossom.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭1:2-3‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Chew on it day and night. I know when I was in college in a particularly difficult course, I was never far from my notes. I had 3x5 cards, yellow tablets, colored highlighters, whatever it took to get that information in my brain. I ate, slept and breathed physics or whatever it was. Should I treat scripture with less intensity? Hmmmm....

Have a great weekend! 

Love you dear one,



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