July 17-Our Breath

Happy Tuesday to you. I hope this day is good for you. Last night Oscar and I were sitting outside right before the little rain shower came and it was really still and muggy. Oscar began saying that he wanted to memorize all the places in the Bible that spoke about nature. He said “Like where the deer pants for the water and we rise on wings of eagles? Because I think that would be a great tool for on-the-spot witnessing.” While we were talking, a soft breeze began to blow and it was so refreshing. He said “Just like now, with this breeze and how it changes everything.” And we began to remember all the places in the Bible where the Spirit is referred to as air, wind, mighty and refreshing. 

Maybe the most notable place was when Jesus himself is blessing the disciple and he breathed directly onto them and said “Here’s the Spirit.” 

“Again Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.” And with that he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”

‭‭John‬ ‭20:21-22‬ ‭NIV‬‬

The very breath of life. I get such a mind picture of that. Don’t you know they felt that? Do you think it tingled or do you think it knocked them down? Like when you get the breath knocked out of you? Or was it like super oxygenated and they had lots of energy? It MUST have had a profound effect! And when it fills our lungs, it should be effecting us if truly the Spirit of God is the air we fill ourselves with and it’s his holy presence we enjoy. Right?

I thought about the little soccer guys in Thailand who were trapped in the cave. The biggest worry was will they have enough air. Air. It’s vital to our survival as humans and as Christians, we can’t survive without the Spirit of God living and breathing within us. 

Dear God, you are the air I breathe, your holy presence living in me. Help me to stay in your your word, my daily bread that you speak to me. I always want to remain desperate for you because I know I'm lost without you. Bless us this day, cover us, surround us and go before us to fight our battles for us. We praise you and worship you. In the name of King Jesus we pray, amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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