June19-Even the Jerks

Good Tuesday to you! Yesterday in preparation for our Branson trip, my grandkids and I had had the oil changed in the car. While we waiting we were treated to a grown man throwing a fit because he thought he should have been waited on next. As he stormed out, I noticed the back of his shirt said something about “treating others with kindness.” I assume he was a healthcare worker since it was some sort of hospital shirt, but truly he had exhibited completely the opposite of kindness, regardless. 

My initial reaction to that man was “what a jerk!” But then, I have to stop and remind myself that I have been called to love him and people like him, not just the easy or even the neutral, but even the jerks. And..sometimes...even I can be a jerk. (Surprise!)

When we try to do what we should as a Christian, it’s very different than what the world says it is. Greatness is pretty much upside down in the Kingdom. Here, we are told treat others as they treat you and get yours before someone else gets it first. And the Kingdom is about treating others in love regardless of how they treat you and regardless of how your day is going. 

Often times we are asked to live out our love in the hardest moments of our lives. At least that’s the way it been for me so very many times. When I’m in the middle of stress and strain, here comes the very one God is asking me to love not “because of” but “in spite of”. When I take a step back in perspective, It’s not always hard to understand, but it almost always hard to do. 

Two of my kids were alway wanting everything fair. If I heard “It’s not fair” once, I bet I heard that five thousand times while I was raising them. But he Kingdom isn’t fair. It’s not about whether we want to be right or whether we want it to be fair. And in Matthew, Jesus even address the question when someone wrongs you intentionally. (And it is a process) Peter asks him “Just how many times am I suppose to forgive him?” And the answer was as many as it takes because love doesn’t keep score. 

“Then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?” “No, not seven times,” Jesus replied, “but seventy times seven!”

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭18:21-22‬ NLT

There is no question about what we should be doing but why should we do it? Why should we be kind to those people who aren’t kind to anyone in fact, quite the opposite? Because every single person matters to God, even the difficult ones. And for us, love is a choice we make, not an emotion we wait for. It’s about wanting good for the other person despite what they do to us. 

Lord thank you for loving us and not limiting the number of times you have had to forgive us. You are a good good Father and have shown us how to love unconditionally and we pray that we can show that love to those around us who don’t deserve it but that we know you love and that we know you want us to love as well. Because truly, none of us were deserving of your great love yet you loved us and changed us from the inside out and made us new. Everyday you refine and mold us in your image and we praise your name and lift you up for the mighty work that you do. You are our God and we bring you the offering of thanksgiving this day. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend,



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