June 26

Good Tuesday morning to you! I was reading in James this morning and I didn’t get far. I kept going over and over the first four verses. 

“Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.”

‭‭James‬ ‭1:2-4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

I think this little passage is so confusing. Not the part about counting your trials joy, well maybe that is too actually. So instead of worry lines, we are to be making laugh lines through troubles? That seems difficult. Not only difficult but a little on the crazy side until you read a little further. James said it’s because it’s like exercise for your faith, it’s a way to work it out and make it stronger. (And we all know there was never an effective exercise that wasn’t painful!)

When your faith is tested, it grows and your endurance strengthens. Obviously our faith can stretch and expand (unlike my patience that has limits) and as it does, we get stronger every time we go through a trial. Then, each time, it gets easier to rely on Him and to believe He has it under His control. And through every trial, we grow up a little bit more, gain a little more maturity. 

The part that baffles me this morning is the “you will get perfect and complete, needing nothing” part. After reading it a dozen or more times and some serious meditation and some commentary work, I think what he’s saying here is that this is the goal we are all striving toward as Christians—to be fully mature. But we aren’t there yet and won’t get there this side of heaven. That doesn’t mean we don’t keep pushing toward that goal, keep working on maturity. I’m never going to look like a TV star, but I still fix my hair everyday or the track star that wants to have the perfect race—it can always be better. 

So my take away from this? Keep trying. Keep pushing through whatever the mess you might be in, and try your best to just smile and think about how you are growing through it all and one day, we will all be perfect! 

Lord thank you for your promises in your Word. The explanations and guidance from the saints of old whom you breathed inspiration into give us a light for our path. Praise you El Elyon, the God most high, to you we sing, our only wise King. Guide us this day through the trials and heartaches of life and help us Father to truly count it as joy and grow. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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