June 16-Whom Shall I Fear?

It’s the weekend! This morning I woke up to birds singing after a night of dreams of all kinds. And as the sun started to break through, I decided that Psalm 27:1 must be the verse of the day. 

“The Lord is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The Lord is the stronghold of my life; of whom shall I be afraid?”

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭27:1‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I love that the psalmist makes this personal for us. “My” light. “My” salvation. “My” stronghold. It give me a very real grasp on how close this God is to me and how very personal this relationship is to be and how He wraps around me and protects me. 

Before I was saved, this Light poured in to reveal the darkness in my life where there simply wasn’t enough light to reveal on my own. Seeing such darkness made me long for Jesus and gave me a realization that I needed a Savior. It lit up all those dark corners and crevices that can stay hidden if Jesus isn’t anywhere around. 

After I was saved, God became my comforter, teacher, guide, in every sense my Light. Notice it does not say that the Lord is “a” Light but is Light. And that the Lord doesn’t give salvation but “is” Salvation. Whoever lays hold of God by faith has all the covenant blessings in their grasp. As full children of the most high King, why would we have anything to fear?

The Lord is our Stronghold. The third strand in the chord. He is Light, Salvation, and a Stronghold. What else can we ask for? So far above the puny boasts of men and their arrogance that it makes them laughable. The psalmist knew his God well and I want to know him more. Don’t you? 

Dear Lord, help us to know you more in your fullness and in your glory. You are the three strand chord that will stand forever—you are my Light, you my are Salvation and you are my Stronghold so truly, whom shall I fear? You are the God most High, the Everlasting and the Great I Am. You have no equal, you have no rival, no one can ever take your place. We celebrate you this day and we worship you for who you are. Praise you Lord! Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend, 



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