June 15-Protected

Happy Friday! Last night we walked to my house to check out the progress. The insulation has gone in. My house is now insulated against the heat and cold and there was already a difference in the temperature inside the house. Insulation. Protection from the outside elements. Protection from the world.  

While I was walking through last night, I couldn’t help but think of how God in His greatness insulates us from the world in so many ways. “God’s name is a place of protection.” He surrounds us and covers us with His righteousness and while we still are living in the world, we have the protection of our Savior and Lord. 


I could still read most of the prayers in my house—in fact there were a few more had been added—and I remembered how those prayers were protected. 


“GOD ’s angel sets up a circle of protection around us while we pray.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭34:7‬ ‭MSG‬‬

How sweet is it to know that no matter what is going on around us, we can pray in complete protection? When we pray, we are safe. Safe from all that would harm. 

“I could go on and on, but I’ve run out of time. There are so many more—Gideon, Barak, Samson, Jephthah, David, Samuel, the prophets.... Through acts of faith, they toppled kingdoms, made justice work, took the promises for themselves. They were protected from lions, fires, and sword thrusts, turned disadvantage to advantage, won battles, routed alien armies. Women received their loved ones back from the dead. There were those who, under torture, refused to give in and go free, preferring something better: resurrection...Not one of these people, even though their lives of faith were exemplary, got their hands on what was promised. God had a better plan for us: that their faith and our faith would come together to make one completed whole, their lives of faith not complete apart from ours.”

‭‭Hebrews‬ ‭11:32-40‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Even as great as their faith was, it isn’t what our faith can be because they were before Jesus. We know what Christ did. We have the benefit of the Holy Spirit living with us. They had none of that—no insulation—and still they had such faith that they refused to back down. We have the insulation and all the protection and often even the smallest mouse frightens us, well, frightens me anyway. Let’s determine to remember we are surrounded by the Almighty and our faith will be made complete. 

Dear Father thank you for all that you are and all that you have done and for surrounding us with your protection. We praise you and lift you high this day and ask for your blessings. We sing hallelujah to you our only great King. You have been so good to us. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend,



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