June 11-New Mercies Every Morning

Good Monday Morning. Are you ready for a new week? Like the prophet Jeremiah says “His mercies are new every morning!” Some mornings we have to tell ourselves that over and over and others...the day is obviously just screaming out His glorious goodness! The last couple of weeks my sister and I have had to tell ourselves a few times that those new mercies come every morning. In stressful times, we sometimes feel like we might be out on a limb and it’s cracking, but as the prophet said when he was weeping over the sad state of affairs and didn’t think things were going to get better, “then I remember...”

“Yet I still dare to hope when I remember this: The faithful love of the Lord never ends! His mercies never cease. Great is his faithfulness; his mercies begin afresh each morning. I say to myself, “The Lord is my inheritance; therefore, I will hope in him!””

‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭3:21-24‬ ‭NLT‬‬

His faithfulness never ends and I.will.hope.in.Him. No one or nothing else. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in this horrible world and the awful things that await us in it, we lose sight of our hope. It is a scary place. There are diseases, hurting people, wars, accidents, all sorts of things and one of them will lead to our death. We put on seat belts, insure ourselves, use sun block, hand sanitizer, wipe down the carts at Walmart, have security systems, airbags, take umbrellas,

And none of that is bad, but news flash, none of us are going to get out of this life alive and sometimes trying to protect ourselves from this scary, dangerous world, we forget where our hope lies.

My mama has been a naturally fearful person as long as I can remember. She was always afraid someone would “get her” but as far as I know, no one ever did and 99 percent of the other things she was worried about never happened either (I never had a wreck with dirty underwear). I’m sure something had happened early in life to make her like that, but truly, we all choose fear or faith. Everyday. Jeremiah chose faith when he said “The Lord is my inheritance and I will hope in Him!”

Lord Jesus we pray this day to chose faith over fear. We put our hope in you for the future, for today, for our children, for our jobs and our lives. You hold them all in your hands and you alone have the power to change the world. You are the Almighty King of Kings. We praise you and adore you for your amazing grace. You have set us free from the fear of the unknown and we rejoice in you new mercies this day. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend, 



  1. Oh, how I needed these words today~James' started a new job today in Alabama and while it's a great opportunity~it's far away~anyway, thank you for reminding me of the Hope~love you Sister Pam~


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