May 8–Things of The Earth

Good Tuesday to you! Has this month started out going fast or what? I have this little problem in that I like to go fast—and do things quickly—and go quickly. My issue arises because My brain and my body disagree on my age. My brain says “go for it!” In the same way it did when I was 18...however my body’s screams back “I can’t keep up with that—I’m 60!” Hence even carting in groceries results in blood because the 12 pack of LaCroix slipped and of course, my thin skin just pealed —the 112th thing that no one told me would happen as I age gracefully. 

Things just seem to get the best of us as we age—and sometimes, we obsess over them—even the silliest of things. Things that we do to try to prove to ourselves that we aren’t as old as everyone else or that we are more fit or we should “win” this game of life. A friend was talking to me yesterday about life vs death and we agreed, no one gets out of this place alive. We are going to die—100% of us. But the glorious end of the story is life here is only the tiniest of beginnings. 

I’ve been convinced that in the second part of Matthew 16, Jesus is telling us not to hold on to this life. Not only this life, but this tent that our spirit wears while we are on this planet. We are simply waiting for the next life and shouldn’t be over concerned when our skin breaks (or we don’t look like we should, or we can’t do what we’d like)

“But he turned and said to Peter, "Get behind me, Satan! You are a hindrance to me. For you are not setting your mind on the things of God, but on the things of man." Then Jesus told his disciples, "If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.” Matthew‬ ‭16:23-24‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Setting your self on the things of man is a sure way to get our Savior all riled up. Just as Peter is coming off a huge “win” where Jesus says he will build his church on Peter, the Rock, Peter turns around and is slammed by Jesus when he does a very stupid thing—He contradicts the Messiah! Not smart. 

Even though Peter was super sold out, he just didn’t get the big picture yet. And we we get so wrapped up in things that only matter in this life, we don’t get it either. Set yourself on the things of God and look at the bigger picture. 

Lord we pray for wisdom to see this life is just a practice run. We ask for grace, patience, and acceptance for those things we can’t control. Help us to look beyond the things of this earth and see you. You are our God and we praise you and lift you high. We sing hallelujah and glory to the Lamb that was slain so we may have life eternal. Amen and amen

Love you dear one,



  1. Yep~things of this world are sometimes easy to get wrapped up in~thank you for the remindar~
    "All I know is I'm not HOME yet, this is not where I belong, take this world and give me Jesus~
    One of my favorite songs~love you sweet Sister~


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