May 7-Let the Wind Blow

Good Monday morning! Did the winds blow where you live last week? They certainly did in Webb City. This is a 2-story treehouse of Casey’s neighbor. It is no more. 

But it’s the beginning of a new week and I love a fresh start. They’ll have to remove the old treehouse, but with a cleaning and leveling, they’ll have a fresh start in their back yard. We have an example in Peter of someone else who like a fresh start every now and again. Peter, a bit like me, had no filter when he spoke—if he thought it he said it. But as I tell my friends, you never have to wonder! 

Peter would do so great and be sold out to Jesus and then the winds would start to blow and he would sink. Or at least begin to sink because Jesus never left him alone to sink completely. And when our aids blow, we can rest assured he will never leave us either. 

Jesus knew Peter was special—

“And I tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” Matthew‬ ‭16:18‬ ‭ESV‬‬

I can see so much of Peter in myself. One day, I’m ready to take on the devil himself for the defense of the Gospel and will speak boldly to any crowd in front of me. Two days later, I’m the biggest wimp ever when a little kid talks to me. I go the gamut. But so did Peter. And it makes me believe that even though I am a frail and flawed human, Jesus can still do a work in me and through me. 

When Jesus told Peter that “on this rock I will build my church,” I like to believe he was talking to all of us that are like Peter and he using me and other people like me to continue us to build his church—all of us Peters. 

Lord Jesus, thank you for recording so many details of Peter’s triumphs and failures. You knew I’d need them to give me a hope and a peace of myself. You amaze me and film me with wonder and an overwhelming love. You are God, our Messiah, Our Savior and soon and coming King. We love you and adore you and offer to you our thanksgiving of praise. You are our everything. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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