May 24–God’s Army

Happy Thursday and how has your week been? Ours has been crazy busy. Last week, my oldest grandchild graduated from Navy basic training. He has already shipped to Connecticut to begin his job training. He is loving being a part of the Navy and proud to be selected to serve his country. 

It makes me smile to think about it. My dad was a Navy man and I like to think it would make him excited to see Braden following his steps. 

When we think about being in the army of the Lord, do we share the same enthusiasm? The same fervor and excitement for serving the Lord God Almighty or do we keep that to ourselves and say things like “my faith is a private matter?” Can you imagine a service man or woman saying they don’t feel like wearing a uniform because they want to keep their service a “private matter?” Of course not. 

Neither should we hold back or be afraid but everyone who comes into contact with us should leave us knowing whose side we fight for. 

“How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messenger who brings good news, the good news of peace and salvation, the news that the God of Israel reigns!”

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭52:7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It is the Great Good News of peace and salvation! Is there any better news? Is there anything more important to talk about? Are we carrying the Good News with us everywhere we go? Or do we hide it? And are we as older Christians proud to see new ones come to know Jesus and do we help in their new life and training?

Dear Jesus thank you for a glorious new day and we pray for the courage to be good soldiers in your army. You are the God of the angel armies and you are the God we follow. Thank for for surrounding us and keeping the world and the battles of this life at bay. We ask you for the grace to support the wounded in our ranks rather than to write them off. We sing hallelujah to your blessed name and we lift you up and praise you this day. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one, 



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