May 11-Moms. 

Happy Friday. Well it is almost Mother’s Day and we all begin to think about our Moms, our Mother-in-laws, our grandmothers, and all those Mother-figures in our lives. My mom is 90 and doesn’t always know who I am these days, my grandmothers of course have passed, my mother-in-law is 95, and I’ve lost several of those women who took me under their wings and mothered me. So Mother’s Day can be a little sad, especially when I remember how my Dad always made a big deal out of it with flowers for everyone that day (red flowers for those of us whose mother was alive and white ones for those whose mother had passed). 

The tradition of a Mother’s Day corsage has just about faded away, but hopefully our honoring of our mother hasn’t. 

I never felt like I did a very good job as a mother. I was too easy, didn’t have great wisdom, and I just simply got tired. Sometimes I look at my kids and feel like they deserve an extra prize for surviving to adulthood with their mom. My sister was the perfect mom, but me? I worked hard, but so many times I fell so short of that Proverbs woman. The bar she sets is pretty high. But then, I read this verse. 

"Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate." Proverbs 31:31

And I think “honor her for what she has done” and I realize it’s not about a measuring stick and did you always fix breakfast, but it’s about what you HAVE done, not what you haven’t. So on that note, I should get sweet cards! Because even though I skipped some steps, I did run those stairs of motherhood over and over...and I am working on being a better Nina every day. Since there’s a new baby coming this year, I’ve still got a shot at being perfect! 

Whether you’re a mom or dad or a kid this weekend, let’s praise God we are here, at this point because someone has helped us get here. And sing songs of praise to parents who did the best they could, because they were there and working through life with us in tow, teaching us some pretty valuable stuff. (So often I say something and think “That is my mother coming out of my mouth!) 

Father God, thank you for mothers who taught us and loved us and helped us learn to love you. Bless them all days, but this weekend, we ask that you would wrap your arms around them with a special touch—the elderly moms, the older moms, the young moms and the moms-to-be. You are El Hayyay, the God who cares for us and you are El Emunah, the God who is faithful. We pray you care for and watch over mothers this day. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one, 



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