May 10–Walk with God

Happy Thursday! How is the week going? Sometimes in the evenings, the lake is so calm and so peaceful and simply beautiful as the sun sets. The colors are amazing and it can be breathtaking. Last night, I wondered if it could be any prettier. But that’s not always the case. 

Sometimes, the water is full of turbulence and the wind and the waves seem like they are out of control. But calm eventually comes again. 

I looked at the lake last night and though “That’s my life!” Sometimes it’s beautiful and all things seem calm, ordered, and peaceful. It’s the way I want to live-the place I want to stay. But alas, there are more times that my life feels like the winds are blowing from different directions and I am out of control to the point I can’t even steer my boat. 

“And how blessed all those in whom you live, whose lives become roads you travel; They wind through lonesome valleys, come upon brooks, discover cool springs and pools brimming with rain! God-traveled, these roads curve up the mountain, and at the last turn—Zion! God in full view!”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭84:5-7‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Isn’t it great that even though we are in a storm or just a lonesome valley, He is our strength. Our fortress. He is the one we can cling to in the storms and crazy times of life. But greater still, is that even as we cling to Him in the bad times, clinging to Him in the good times provides us a safety on our road of life. The Psalmist is telling us that God has already walked this road we call our lives and He knows what we are facing and what we will face because He is, He was, and He will be. 

He concludes by letting us know this road we journey, ultimately leads us to Zion, the City of God. 

God of our lives and of the universe we praise you and glorify your Name. You are good and you give us your hand to hold as we journey through this first part of our eternal lives. You have been here and know what lies ahead—thank you for caring for us. We pray that you would guide us this very day and help us to pause to feel your presence. Amen and amen.

Love you dear one,



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