April 28–Walking in the Spirit

It’s the weekend! I hope your week has gone well. I went with some of my friends to Aguas Calientes (Hot Springs) not too far from here. It’s about a 20 minute drive on the paved road and then almost an hour on terrible roads moving anywhere from 10-20mph. But, once you are there, it’s beautiful and peaceful and a great little respite place. It’s a place to think about things...like “Am I showing the fruit of the Spirit?”

“But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to his cross and crucified them there.”

‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:22-24‬ NLT

In Galatians 5:16-26, Paul is still explaining why freedom from the Law does not mean doing whatever you feel like at any given time.  He continues to tell the Galatians to live according to the Spirit instead of the flesh.

Paul isn't talking about our physical bodies versus our immortal soul.  Paul is contrasting a life according to our own desires, ambitions, and efforts versus being guided and "lived in" by the Holy Spirit.

Sin is obviously following our own desires, and Paul racks up a pretty good list of the sins he sees everywhere in the Roman Empire.  It might surprise us that things like being an angry or an argumentative person gets put on the same level as sorcery and idolatry, but Paul shows us there are all kinds of facets to living a life according to the flesh.

Keeping the Law is also living according to the flesh.  The motives and behaviors might be better than sinful ones, but keeping the Law still depends on our will, our desires, and our efforts.  Even though Paul knows the Law is holy and comes from God, when it comes to our practical experience, the Law and sin are like fudge ripple swirl ice cream - always going together.

In contrast, Paul paints a picture of a person who is living by the Spirit - qualities like love, joy, and peace.  It's interesting that Paul's picture of living by the flesh has a lot of specific behaviors in it, but Paul's picture of living in the Spirit is all about characteristics.  He seems to think that, if we have the Spirit and are guided by the Spirit, we will have these virtues and right behavior will just take care of itself.

If we have been crucified with Christ, we are dead to sin, the Law, and all the things associated with our own striving and failing.  We have, instead, been made alive in the Spirit so that we might live out a new life - Jesus' life - with acts of love and peace and mercy that flow out of us and don't need to be defined by a Law.

This is certainly true freedom.

Thank you dear Jesus for tire freedom; for taking all of the need for the law away and sending us your Spirit to lead us. You are the Messiah and have delivered your people. Give us the grace and wisdom we need to follow you fully. We love and adore you this day. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,

Pam (and Philip) 


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