April 23-Slaves

Good Monday morning! Well it finally happened. My life was in my phone and it blew up. And evidently it blew up all over Oklahoma because I only have about 1/3 of my contacts. They say that if you back everything up on the cloud that it’s safe, but evidently the cloud can blow up too. At least, my cloud can blow up. Because it did. And what a mess and frustration it’s been for me. So alas, only about 1/3 of my folks are getting this now and I have no way of saying “if you didn’t get this let me know”. Oh well...I suppose I’ll be hearing from them. But to let you know, I’ll be headed to Mexico on Wednesday which means that if you want to continue to access my devotion during that time, I’ll be posting them at PamSmithHudson.blogspot.com each day (as I do everyday), but while I’m across the border, I just can’t push to folks individually.

You know, in this study on Galatians, we have spent a lot of time talking about the law, being under the law and especially being a slave to the law. And let me tell you, this last few days? I’ve come to realize what a slave to this stupid phone I am. It is a great tool and I do believe I use it for good and as a tool, but, without it, I become a fish out of water! I’m lost and don’t know what to do to for a plan B. I can’t even utilize a computer for most of what I do any longer. It has become my first and only way of doing. It really helped me understand a bit more how those first Jews must have felt. Yes, they loved Jesus and knew He was the Messiah, but the Law had been a tool that had been used for good. They had never had a Plan B before, had never considered there could be a Plan B. The Law had served a good purpose and had kept the traditions and the way of the chosen in tact. Yet, they had become slaves to it. 

But no longer. Jesus, God's true Son, came to his people who were suffering under the curse of the Law. He died for them, was raised from the dead, and was made both Lord and Christ.  All who believe on Him will be saved!  Then and now. And this includes men and women, Jews and Gentiles, free and slaves—all who have faith in Christ are equally the people of God.

And not only the people of God, but adopted as sons!  Our relationship to God isn't by being under an appointed guardian—it's by being in God's family directly.  God has sent the Spirit of the Son into our hearts so that we would be sons and daughters as well.  This is so far and above anything the Law could do, but now the Spirit of Christ lives in and through us all!

People of all races, genders, political views, economic classes, theological positions—they are your brothers and sisters if they share the same Spirit.  Jesus has torn down anything that would let a specific group claim they are the true children of God or somehow more favored than the others.

“God sent him to buy freedom for us who were slaves to the law, so that he could adopt us as his very own children. And because we are his children, God has sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, prompting us to call out, “Abba, Father.” Now you are no longer a slave but God’s own child. And since you are his child, God has made you his heir.”

‭‭Galatians‬ ‭4:5-7‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Thank for Jesus for buying our freedom with your blood. And thank you Father for the adoption that has made us full children and heirs to the Kingdom. We cry ABBA FATHER, you are our God and you are the Almighty for you are the Holy One of Israel who rules the universe with your breath. We praise you Lord for you alone are worthy. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,

Pam and Philip 


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