April 18–Get to the Heart of the Matter

Happy Wednesday and I suppose, Hump Day and all of that. I hope all of your ducks are in a row to finish this week—much more so than the Hudson’s anyway! I’ve looked for two days for my passport - and just a little freaked out since I’m in the middle of a move - only to finally find out that, alas, it is in the 4-Runner that is already in El Paso (praise the God who watches over forgetful incompetents)! Then, I drove an hour to Joplin for a soccer game only to be 3 minutes from the field to find out Oscar forgot to look at the schedule and this was an off day. Then, I came within 2 inches of hitting a deer on the way home (heart in throat and looking for my big bottle of limonada!). So...lots of hunting and running around and near misses...much like the Jews running around trying to please God, but never really getting to the heart of the matter—simply faith in the risen Christ. 

Chapter 3. This may be my favorite part of the letter because it's such a clear statement from Paul: did you receive the Spirit by believing what you have heard about Jesus, or did you receive the Spirit because you kept the Law?

“Oh, foolish Galatians! Who has cast an evil spell on you? For the meaning of Jesus Christ’s death was made as clear to you as if you had seen a picture of his death on the cross. Let me ask you this one question: Did you receive the Holy Spirit by obeying the law of Moses? Of course not! You received the Spirit because you believed the message you heard about Christ.”

‭‭Galatians‬ ‭3:1-2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The believing Jews know that they did not receive the Spirit by keeping the Law; they received the curse from the Law.  They received the Spirit from Jesus through faith.  The believing Gentiles never kept the Law to begin with, but they received the same Spirit as their Jewish brothers and sisters when they believed the news about Jesus.

So, the Spirit has come to these two groups - one that failed to keep the Law, and one that was ignorant of the Law.  The thing they share in common is that they both believe that Jesus is the promised Messiah who died, was raised, made Lord, and will judge the world.  In response, they received the Spirit, uniting them to God and to each other.

Paul, then, asks them why they want to go back to the Law after having this experience.  Was it all for nothing?  The Law had been around for centuries and centuries.  What was the point of what they were all experiencing if they were supposed to dedicate themselves to Law-keeping?

Paul's point, of course, is that there's no reason to run back to Law-keeping.  God is changing the world, and He's starting with His own house. The Spirit has come, not through obeying the Law, but by faith in Jesus!

Thank you God for sending your Spirit. Praise you for changing the world beyond the law to real faith. We worship you this day and we praise you and lift you high. We sing hallelujah because you are El Elyon, the Almighty God, the Alpha and the Omega, our Messiah, Jehovah. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend,

Pam and Philip


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