April 11- Galatians 1

Happy Wednesday and yes, I fell down...gracefully, but I did fall. And my 3rd finger went one way and the rest went 45 degrees the other, but I quickly put it to rights and as you can see, it’s healing nicely. Thank you for your kind thoughts and prayers. I’ll keep you posted! 


I forgot to give you this link two days ago and if you are going to do this little quick study on my nephew’s favorite book, you really need to take the nine minutes to watch this intro video. It really helps to get a good overview of what we are talking about. 

So, for today, let’s start Chapter 1: (from Philip) One of the things that jumps out at me is that Paul says Jesus gave himself for their sins so He might deliver them from "this present evil age."

“Jesus gave his life for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live.”

‭‭Galatians‬ ‭1:4‬ ‭NLT‬‬

In other words, Paul isn't focused on the distant future; he's focused on the here and now (of his audience, anyway) [Note: which would include by default, us] They are under the rule of an oppressive, pagan Empire, full of all kinds of sinful excess and desires that confess that Caesar is lord and a god. They (meaning both believing Jews and Gentiles) are persecuted by the powerful Jews in Jerusalem holding on to their power. Rome will join right in, too, as Nero comes to the throne.

Basically, these are people who are under persecution and are surrounded on all sides by a wicked, pagan culture who's holding all the power. Their only hope is in this King who was killed by these very people. But the King lives again, showing that their enemies’ efforts will come to nothing, and that God will deliver His people from this situation.

This is a notable thing in Paul's thoughts. Salvation isn't only about an afterlife or a distant future event - it is about God acting in the here and now to deliver His people and see them safely through this present evil age and into the ages to come.

(Pam again) And it’s a notable thing in my thoughts and on our accounts that He STILL acts in the here and now and He STILL delivers His people and sees us safety through this present evil age! ( Notable?)

Father God thank you for still acting right now to see us safely through this present evil age. What a glorious God you are and what a Deliver you are to take us straight into the ages to come. You are the God who is, the God who was and the God who is to come. Truly, what a mighty God we serve! Amen and amen 

Love you dear friend, 

Pam...and Philip


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