Monday 19-Clean

Good Monday Morning! Did you have a great weekend? I surely hope you had a wonderful day to worship our King in spirit and in truth. We had such a great service. The capstone of it all was our little Amelia was baptized and that surely warmed this Nina’s heart like nothing else on this earth could. 

I heard someone say last week “Well, I just am what I am!” And it really struck me I suppose because I have said that exact same thing thing. That refusal to change the things about myself that I didn’t want to deal with—those things that I know I need to work on, but I have an escape clause if I just say, “well that’s just me.” But the truth of the matter is, we are all in a state of change and it’s either for the better or for the worse. While I was thinking about this very thing yesterday on the way to church, Natalie Grant’s song “Clean” came on. My favorite line is “there’s nothing too dirty, that you can’t make worthy”. Isn’t that a beautiful thought? That no matter how bad we’ve been or even how far we slipped, He makes us right. As the psalmist says, “Wash me in your laundry Lord and I will be clean.”

I see shattered

You see whole

I see broken

But You see beautiful

And You're helping me to believe

You're restoring me piece by piece

There's nothing too dirty 

That You can't make worthy

You wash me in mercy

I am clean

What was dead now lives again

My heart's beating, beating inside my chest

Oh I'm coming alive with joy and destiny

'Cause You're restoring me piece by piece

There's nothing too dirty 

That You can't make worthy

You wash me in mercy

I am clean

Washed in the blood of Your sacrifice

Your blood flowed red and made me white

My dirty rags are purified

I am clean

Because Jesus paid the price and IS worthy, we can be purified by His blood made worthy. Never on our own, but through His sacrifice, our dirt can be made clean, and yes, I believe we can change and be better people. 

“Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from my sin. For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭51:2-3‬ ‭NIV‬‬

God forgiving us of sin is so beautifully symbolized in the act of baptism—buried with Christ to be reborn clean. What a great tradition of the church. 

Father God thank you your great sacrifice, and for washing us and cleaning us with your blood. Praise and magnify you our great Jehovah, Almighty King of Glory. You restore us and make us new because you are a good good Father who loves us so. Bless you Lord, you are our God and we are your people. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



  1. Praising the Lord for the picture of your sweet Amelia~


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