March 26-Count it all Joy

Happy Monday Morning and how was your weekend? Were you able to engage in a worship time with other believers? Yesterday, a friend sent me a devotion. It spoke about taking time to read the Bible and the we often use the excuse of not having enough time to read when actually the entire book of Philippians only takes up about three columns of one page of a newspaper. So if you can read an article on the internet, or scan Facebook, or Pinterest, you have time to read the Word. 

And if you are going to read the Word, then you should commit a part of it to your heart. How often do you read face book and then tell your friends about what you’ve read? Commit it, talk about it, pray it, and then when you need it, you will have it right at your fingertips to use in any situation where scripture can readily assist you. 

After reading that devotion yesterday, i went to Philippians, the book of “finding joy in spite of it all.” I decided to take this week and dig into that book and I thought maybe you might want to walk through that little book of Philippians together and select a couple of verses to commit to memory. 

So today, read through the first 21 verses of Philippians. 1:1-21. It’s pretty clear Paul is writing to the believers on Philipi while he is in prison. And there are three things he says that strike me.

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.” Philippians ‭1:6‬

I love this verse because I think it is a model for us of how to encourage each other. Think how they must have felt that first time to have received that message! Wow...what a boost to your soul, right? 

“And I want you to know, my dear brothers and sisters, that everything that has happened to me here has helped to spread the Good News. For everyone here, including the whole palace guard, knows that I am in chains because of Christ.”

Philippians ‭12-13‬

And I read this and just imagine Paul, not sad and discouraged like most prisoners in chains would be, but almost glowing and talking nonstop with everyone who would listen, even the guards evidently, because at this point, they ALL know why he is there and the all know about Christ! Again, what a model he gives us here. 

“But that doesn’t matter. Whether their motives are false or genuine, the message about Christ is being preached either way, so I rejoice. And I will continue to rejoice.”

‭Philippians 18 NLT‬

But maybe for me, this is my toughest pill to swallow. It drives me nuts to see people who preach and haven’t studied or pull verses out of context or are misrepresenting scripture or those who I highly suspect are in it for the money. But here Paul says, at least the gospel is being preached—and I can almost hear him say “It may not be perfect, there are mistakes, sure, but the basic message is still there. Don’t let it over worry you. Do your thing and keep your message as on target as you can keep it.” 

Quite a bit in 21 little verses, huh??

Stay with me...

Father God, forgive us where we fail you especial when we neglect to give your word the time it deserves: when we let the things of this world distract us and keep us from you. We worship you this day, we praise you and lift you high for you are the God above all, the God of the heavens and the earth, our Messiah, the Alpha and Omega, the God who is, who was, and who is to come. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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