March 16-Integrity 

Happy Friday! How has your week been? Have you walked this week with God? If you’ve listen to the news lately you’ve heard talk about change and authenticity and integrity. And that’s about all it seems to be is talk. 

When God talks about these things they have some meaning behind them. For example, when the change of leadership occurred from David to Solomon and Solomon built his own temple, God was pretty clear to the new King. 

 “And GOD said to him, “I’ve listened to and received all your prayers, your ever-so-passionate prayers. I’ve sanctified this Temple that you have built: My Name is stamped on it forever; my eyes are on it and my heart in it always. As for you, if you live in my presence as your father David lived, pure in heart and action, living the life I’ve set out for you, attentively obedient to my guidance and judgments, then I’ll back your kingly rule over Israel, make it a sure thing on a solid foundation. The same guarantee I gave David your father I’m giving you: ‘You can count on always having a descendant on Israel’s throne.’”

‭‭1 Kings‬ ‭9:3-5‬ ‭MSG‬‬

The NIV says “if you walk before me faithfully with integrity of heart...”That is a pretty clear message I think not only for King Solomon but I maybe for all of us. No matter how passionately we pray and carry on with our worship, the thing God is really looking deeply for “At the core of it all, is the heart righteous?” It’s a question of honesty, introspection, and truthfulness with ones self that God wanted Solomon to think about and consequently, wants all of us to think about. 

I read this and I immediately want to put on a coat—cover up. Because I know I fall short, so very short of where I need to be and I have this mental picture of standing in church singing and God looking straight though me to my heart and seeing the little spots here and there. Those little spots of places where I’ve messed up or haven’t been able to figure out how to have that Godly attitude or to fully let Him have control of that part of my life. I’m still a work in progress. 

Spirit of the Living Word, fall fresh of us this day. We worship you in truth and ask that you open our eyes to what you would have us to see and know this day. We offer a sacrifice of praise to you our God most high, You are El Elyon and You have the power to lead us to integrity of our hearts. We love you and adore you our Father. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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