March 13–National Napping Day

Happy Tuesday and happy national napping day! Yes, you read that right...and for those of us who love the siesta, we embrace this day with both arms! Probably because two days after the time change, it’s catching us, don’t you think? Losing that hour is hard. How nice is it when we are a little sleepy on a sunny afternoon to be able to take a 15 minute power nap? 

Last night before I went to sleep I was stressed about a few things (well, maybe a lot of things). So much so that just a couple of hours later I woke up with a headache and all of my muscles just tense. My legs were cramped and my neck was tight and I couldn’t even stretch out. I was just stressed out. I got up, took a couple of ibuprofen and walked around a little bit and started quoting a few scripture. I had to remind myself I needed to relax and just rest in the Lord. Nothing was such a big deal that we couldn’t handle this together. I’m getting ready to be homeless for a few months, but Jesus gets that...the Son of Man had no where to lay his head and I’ve got more than a few places! 

Jesús understands how important it is to rest and that’s why He was so clear when He told us “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew‬ ‭11:28‬ ‭NLT‬‬

The Psalmist likewise paints a beautiful picture of rest “He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters,”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭23:2‬ ‭NIV‬‬ Doesn’t that just relax you to read that? Have you ever been like me at 2:00 am needing the good Shepherd to lead you to the green pastures and helping you to lie down?

Rest is pretty vital and in this hustle and bustle wold we often forget that we don’t need to plan every minute of every day. There are times we need to be still and realize that “He iS God” and we are not. We simply need to take a little time, clear our minds of all the clutter and confusion and rest in our Savior. 

Father God thank you for giving us time to rest and to recharge ourselves. Help us to understand that we need to take time to relax in you Jesus, to lie down in the green pastures you lead us to and simply let you minister to us for a little while every day. You are a great God and we are your people. Praise your holy Name. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend,



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