February 8 - Get it Fixed

Happy Thursday to you! Is the week going well for you? This is my car the day we bought it. For the past few days I’ve been hearing a scraping when I turned my wheel. I couldn’t for the life of me figure out what it was. Back up a week. Tal had just had new rotors, brakes and tires put on my car. So...I wondered if after a few days if something had loosened up and uugghhh I needed to call Les and find out if he did something wrong, because surely it wasn’t the way I was driving! But I could not imagine that he had because anyone who knows Les knows he doesn’t make mistakes with our cars! 

So I do what anyone in my place would do, and I asked my son-in -law Aaron to check it out for me but I’d forgotten until about 7:00 (after dark when it’s -50 degrees). And bless his heart, he said “of course”. He came back in in approximately 3.4 seconds and said “What did you hit?” And bless MY heart, I couldn’t think of a thing! I’m an almost average driver! I don’t hit things. But the more I thought, I finally remembered when it was snowing heavily on Sunday (well, lightly) and I couldn’t see the road, I drove straight off a curb! 

Aaron graciously pulled my car in the neighbors garage and the two of them bent and pulled and put in some screws and fixed me right up (after a little lecturing on how I could have really ruined something). 

All of that to say, Aaron wanted to fix my car. He didn’t care it was freezing because he truly didn’t want me driving a car that was broken. He loves me and wanted my car working properly and even it meant he would be uncomfortable for a while, so be it. 

In an even much bigger and much more encompassing way, Jesús wants to fix us. Jesús does not want us to go around broken. And He has already been uncomfortable for the privilege of healing us and making us whole again. You see, my car is good and I’m going down the road, but its not perfect. Jesús can make us perfect. All we have to do is fess up that, yeah, we did drive off that curb and our wheel well is bent. But you know what? If you do t get it fixed? It can really mess you up.(Just ask Aaron!) 

“Are you hurting? Pray. Do you feel great? Sing. Are you sick? Call the church leaders together to pray and anoint you with oil in the name of the Master. Believing-prayer will heal you, and Jesus will put you on your feet. And if you’ve sinned, you’ll be forgiven—healed inside and out.”

‭‭James‬ ‭5:13-15‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Jesús has the ability to heal you and more importantly, He truly WANTS to heal you. 

Jehovah Rapha, God our healer, you are the God who not only can heal us but wants desperately to heal us. We praise you for your great love Lord Jesus, for your healing alone can bring peace to the coldest of hearts. Sing hallelujah to the King of Kings. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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