February 15-Freedom

Have you been watching the Olympics? Lots of people love the figure skating, which is nice, but me? I love that snowboarding. That seems to me to take not just talent, but a huge dose of fearlessness. Those kids are nuts with that little flat board on all that ice! It is completely incredible what the athletes have been able to conquer—flipping 3, 4, and more turns upside down, sideways, or all ways...crazy! And when one of them has that perfect run...wow...they just seem to be completely free with that little board—free from fear, from the natural laws of gravity, and almost just from this earth itself. 

It reminds me of a couple of things.First, how we should feel as we worship the Lord our God—in great freedom and abandonment. Just giving it all we’ve got. And secondly, the freedom that we are able to experience because Christ has made us free indeed. We are no longer under the law but we have been given our freedom. A freedom that Paul warns the church at Galatia they can forfeit if they slide back in under a set of rules and regulations. 

Jesus told us:

“So if the Son sets you free, you are truly free.”

‭‭John‬ ‭8:36‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Then Paul warns:

“Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you....You were running superbly! Who cut in on you, deflecting you from the true course of obedience? This detour doesn’t come from the One who called you into the race in the first place....”

‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:1, 7-10‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Do you feel free as you worship? As you walk with Jesus? Do you sometimes feel like you’re soaring above the snow on a little board and doing a 1070? That’s exactly how Jesus wants you to feel—free. And sometimes like you’re just soaring above it all. So just relax and let go..just throw your head back and shout to our Lord!!

Oh Great Jehovah we fall on our face before you and bring our sacrifice of worship and praise to you. You are a great God, the God of Abraham and Isaac, and Israel. And you are the God of John, Paul, and Stephen whom you freed from the law. El Elyon we pray to feel that same freedom in you they found and to be free indeed. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend,



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