February 13-Attitude

Happy Tuesday. I am on day three of a headache. So, I’m not thinking very well. However, God in His omnipotence prompted a friend to send this devotion to me yesterday. So with a couple of editorial notes, and one paragraph, here you go. (Thank you Julia!)

Love you dear one,


Successful people have leaned to deal with their moods. (Today, mine is not good!).When you find yourself dealing with an emotion that’s holding you back, you’ve got two options: You either change it, or you direct it.

Some emotions are so destructive, so damaging, so hurtful, so non-effective, the only thing you can do is change it. You’ve got to change what you’re feeling.

Philippians 2:5 says, “Your attitude should be the kind that was shown us by Jesus Christ” 

Your attitude includes your emotions, so what you’re feeling should be the same as that of Jesus. You need to ask yourself, “How would Jesus feel in this situation? Would Jesus get irritated with this waitress? No. Would Jesus yell at that person? No. Would Jesus be up all night, wringing his hands and worrying that it isn’t going to work out? No. Would Jesus be fearful? No.”

Then, you instantly dismiss any feeling that doesn’t make you more like Jesus. For example, if Jesus wouldn’t respond to your spouse (or your kid, or your parents or anyone with whom you’re dealing) with that emotion, then you shouldn’t either. You drop that attitude, and you figure out what Jesus would do instead.

And the verse directly above, (Phil 2:4) tells us to think more highly of others than ourselves. When you do that, start thinking about other people, isn’t it funny how our own emotions and attitudes tend to fall in line?” It’s the paradox of the universe: You only fulfill yourself when you are helping others.

Continually look for ways to minister...to your family, your friends, the lady behind the counter at Walgreens. Your greatest ministry will not come out of your strengths and successes. Your greatest ministry could very well come out of your deepest pain. There is someone today that God will place in your path that needs you. Maybe will need a lot from you and maybe just a kind word. But watch and as you watch, notice how your attitude is beginning to be more like you’d always hoped it would be, more like the mature Christian you’ve admired, and more like Jesús. This life we’ve been given? It’s about service to others, in all shapes, forms, and sizes. 


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