January 5-Holding Together Everything

Happy Friday! I sure hope you’ve had a great week. I have had a good one and I’m ready for the weekend to get start. In reading Colossians last night, this passage once again amazed me. 

“He existed before anything else, and he holds all creation together...For God in all his fullness was pleased to live in Christ, and through him God reconciled everything to himself. He made peace with everything in heaven and on earth by means of Christ’s blood on the cross.”

‭‭Colossians‬ ‭1:17, 19-20‬ ‭NLT‬‬

And every time I read verse 17, I think of atoms—(I know, weird science nerd)—but yes, atoms as in atomic structure. Every magnet you ever played with as a kid, the like sides push away from each other and opposite sides stick together (positive sticks to negative and two positives repel). Even when you talk about making compounds, the opposite sides attract (like Na+CL- and you get salt) Everywhere but on the atomic structure, negative is attracted to positive. 

In an atom, all the positives stick together in the middle (with the neutrals) and the negatives, fly around the outside instead of sticking to the positives. Didn’t you always wonder “Why?” I did. And I asked about it many times, but there just didn’t seem to be a good reason...except Colossians 1:17. “...all things are held together by him...”  

Carbon...6 positively charged particles cling together! Oxygen, 8 sticking together and so on. All of them sticking together BECAUSE He is holding the whole entire world together, one atom at a time. I for one find that completely amazing.

And if we go completely to the other direction with those thoughts, scientists believe that everything they know about in the universe, is only less that about 1/2 of 1%. So basically all those millions and billions of galaxies, and cosmos that scientists have seen, named, and recorded, are almost nothing compared to what is actually there. Wow, right? It was all made by Him and held together by Him. 

El Elyon, the great God Most High, holds our entire universe together, of which we have no clue as to the size, other than “BIG!” And He holds it all together from the tiny atoms all the way to as-big-as-it-gets world. I know I keep saying “amazing” but what else can you call the Almighty? 

Today, let’s just praise the Great I Am for all He is and all He does!

Love you dear one,



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