January 26–Be the Bridge

Happy Friday and how was your week been? I won’t lie, this has been a tough one for me and my family. But yesterday was good and cathartic. We have so very much for which to thank the Father of Light. And so very much to thank our friends who have been so very good to us through this past year. 

When I was looking out over Sailboat Bridge the other night, I just marveled at the architecture and engineering that not only allowed that bridge to be built but allows that bridge to weather the heaven use with virtually little wear and tear. 

There is an old Jewish proverb that says God went about to all the nations asking who should be His chosen people. The Romana said because they were such brilliant engineers and skilled builders, they could build magnificent bridges. The Greeks said they should be chosen because they were highly skilled architects and they could build such awesome buildings.  

The Jewish people said we are not the greatest builders or architects but we can tell stories and they we can hear and obey. God chose the Jews because He knew their obedience would build a bridge to the rest of the world to God. God doesn’t choose us for our special skills and talents, but rather our willingness to obey him. This day, God chooses you for the very same purpose—to live out His Word by sharing Him with this lost and dying world. 

“...If you will listen obediently to what I say and keep my covenant, out of all peoples you’ll be my special treasure. The whole Earth is mine to choose from, but you’re special: a kingdom of priests, a holy nation.’ ”

‭‭Exodus‬ ‭19:4-6‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Great Jehovah God Almighty who saved us and has called us to your work, empower us this day to be bridge builders in your holy Name. You are the Kingdom, you are Glory, now and forever God You reign. There is no rival, there is no equal. Amen and amen. 

Love you dear friend,



  1. Thank you~the Lord has greatly blessed us through your Morning Thoughts~love and prayers~


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