January 22-Peace Be Still

Happy Monday to you. How was your weekend? I trust you are ready to start this week renewed and refreshed and fortified for the days to come. The take away for me yesterday from the sermon was “If you fear God, you don’t need to fear anything else.” And what a good clip that is to remember. The Lord God is a good God, He is holy and righteous and He is our friend, but He is to be feared. He is most powerful. 

Remember, this is the God who with a single word stopped the fierce storm—a storm that had seasoned fishermen really, really scared. And then, when the calm was so quick and dramatic their fear of the stillness was even greater than that of the storm. They were terrified when they realized the full extent the power their Rabbi possessed over nature. Only God and God inspires awe-struck fear. 

And remember this is the God who said to 6,000 demons “leave” and they did, never questioning if they had to because they knew who was God.The demons never ask what Jesus’ name was, by whose authority or 1,000 other things. 

This is God who tells the woman at the well what she has been doing. This is God who turns water into wine. This is God who told the disciples to fish on the other side of the boat. This is God. When we learn to fear God, when we learn that He is all powerful, and that Je is on our side, we won’t fear anything else. 

But most of all, this is the God who even death could not hold. The blood was drained from his body; He was laid in a tomb for three days; and yet it could not hold Him. He is God Almighty. Fear Him, and you need not fear any thing else. 

Dear Jesus, You are worthy to be feared and worthy to be worshipped. You are worthy of love and devotion and we honor you and lift you high this day. We ask that you bless us with the strength, bravery, and wisdom to fear nothing but you Father. We love you. Thank you and amen. 

Love you dear one,



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