December 23-Dancing

Happy Saturday to you. The weather has turned nasty in my neck of the woods and I don’t like it at all...not even one little bit. Yesterday was cookie baking day. It’s always a fun time to get those shapes cut out and baked. And then, the decorating...not my forte but I had a helper who, with the aid of a ziplock bag, was great at it. 

We also made a pie and wrapped a few small gifts to make a giant cellophane ball. We have it all done early because we were going to go to Branson to see the lights today, but now with this snow and ice, we are taking another vote. But regardless of our changing plans or what we have or have not baked, this season is special because of the birth we celebrate—not because of all the food, lights, trees and gifts. 

“God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.”

‭‭John‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

To save the world. That’s a fairly tall order, wouldn’t you say? Much like the script for a super hero, but this...this is real, not a Marvel comic book. Ironman or the Arrow have never saved me or given me comfort or assure me of life. 

I heard Selah sing this song on the radio yesterday and the words struck me. Like so many song, we catch a line or two, but when I was alone and listened,I heard the words, 

Voices from heaven, heard on the earth, Angels announcing our Savior’s birth, Long night of sin will soon be destroyed , Come to the manger, sing with joy

Dance in the dawn it’s a glorious day, Our Deliverer comes as a Child in the hay, Freedom at last, darkness is gone, Come let us dance, let us dance in the dawn. 

The long night of sin will be destroyed, freedom at last and darkness is gone! Amen? Jesus Christ came to destroy death and bring life and light...It makes me want to dance, and sing loudly (the way that always embarrassed my sister) and throw up my arms and just bask in it all. Does it get better?

Today, really listen. Listen to your God and to the people around you. I promise, it changes things. Then, thank The Christ who reigns for completing the task. Thank him for destroying death and the darkness. He is God and He wants to be with you. 

Love you dear friend,

Pam, Dancing through Christmas


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