December 1-Stand Still

Good Friday morning! I hope you’ve had a great week and are planning an adventure for the weekend. We left early this morning (4:28 when we pulled out of the driveway) and we hope to make the border this evening. I had a flat tire yesterday—I was hoping it was just a nail, but alas, it was a cut in the sidewalk of a nearly new tire! Bummer, right? It was just that kind of a day. 

Sometimes no matter how much planning goes into what we are trying to do, we can’t plan enough for the unexpected...those unforeseen variables. Isn’t that life? One big unforeseen variable? But how great is it that we don’t have to face that great unknown alone? And all those battles both seen and unseen are not ours to fight. 

“But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again. The Lord himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.””

‭‭Exodus‬ ‭14:13-14‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Of course I still have to deal with the ramifications of the tire and getting on the road and getting gas and all the paperwork, etc, but it’s a great feeling to know that through all the headaches and heartaches that my Savior goes before me, and is beside me and he has my back. Learning to trust him. That even those the issues are there, he has provided the tools, the friends, the support system I need to get through whatever I’m up against.

Trust is a fundamental part of our faith and it may be the most difficult. Trust is tough. It’s hard to hand over your stuff, your life, your family to someone else even if that someone else is God. We have this thing in us, maybe this selfish nature that wants to cling to it all, and we tell ourselves we know best. But know better or more than God? If we can step back even a half step, putting our complete trust in God should be a no-brainer. “Just stand still Pam, watch me work!” And you know what? He’s always proved himself. Maybe not as I’ve always expected, but he’s amazed me time and again! 

So today, stand still and let God move. He has got this for you. Whatever it is you are facing, I’m telling you, he’s out in front of you and he’s got it. 

Love you dear one,

Pam, on-the-road


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