November 25-Love like Jesus. 

Happy Sabbath Day and may this day be a blessing for you. 

“May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had,”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭15:5‬ ‭NIV‬‬

I love this verse in preparation for worship with other believers. As we prepare our hearts and minds, we also need to ask that we have a loving attitude toward each other just as Jesus had—those people with whom we are gathering to worship, those for whom we are praying, and those with whom we are serving. 

I am not always the most kind when I am interrupted from something I enjoy doing. For example, if I’ve just sat down to eat dinner and someone knocks at the door because they are wanting something from me, I’m not very patient. I’m not much like Jesus. 

Jesús was sitting down with his friends about to enjoy dinner when he felt something wet and sticky and highly perfumed running down his head and neck, into his tunic and all over him! A woman had just poured an expensive bottle of perfume over his head without even a “Do you mind?” What would be your reaction? I am afraid of what mine might be. 

While all the others around Him were murmuring and scolding the woman, Jesus calmly accepted her offering of love and adoration and rewarded her by saying that her symbolic gesture would find a place forever in His Word. 

Today will you pray with me that The Savior would make us more like him? That the God who gives endurance and encouragement will grant us and we may fully receive that attitude of mind that is in Christ Jesus? And we can be wholly prepared for worship. 

Love you dear one, 



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