November 15–Hit the right Target

Happy Wednesday. How are you doing this day? A friend of mine was requesting prayer for a horrible situation where a man shot a cardiologist then himself. They discovered it was all over “love.” How tragic that the world considers that messed up version of selfish obsession “love.” But then I thought do even Christian do that on some smaller scales? 

I was reading the story of Matt Emmons, an Olympic shooter. He has what he refers to as “a funny story”. In His first Olympics in 2004, His rifle had been sabotaged so he’d had to borrow one. He’d won a gold in one event and then, in the 3-position event, he was on target for another gold. All he had to do was hit the target. He had a great shot, but he hit the wrong target. He was in lane 3 and he hit target 2. He said he was trying to calm himself down and simply forgot to look at the numbers on the targets. He said “I’ll never do that again.” He got distracted. 

Do you think we ever aim at the wrong things? Aim at the distractions of life rather than making sure what’s above the target we’re shooting at? Are we targeting the Kingdom? 

“I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done. Yes, everything else is worthless when compared with the infinite value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord. For his sake I have discarded everything else, counting it all as garbage, so that I could gain Christ”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭3:7-8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Sometimes we do tend to get all wrapped up in what we are going to do for the holidays or what we are going to buy for this or are we going to get a new whatever, but those targets are targets of distractions and will not keep us going forward. Get obsessed over something or someone and call it love? 

David Livingstone, the 18th century missionary to Africa, who when he died, had his heard buried in Africa. His body they shipped back to England, but his heart never left Africa. He is credited with saying he would go anywhere as long as it was forward. He knew, backing up was not productive and wasn’t an option. 

Today, let’s pray that God will help us to ensure our aim is true and we are headed forward and that our love? It’s of God and not an obsession. 

Love you dear one,



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