Monday—Real Realationship! 

Happy Monday! Are you ready for a great week in Christ? Are you praying that God will put someone in your path this week that needs to hear of his love and forgiveness? 

I was thinking last night about relationships and how so many times we miss out on friendships because of misconceptions we might have about people. When I was younger, there was a girl that I wanted to be friends with, but I thought she didn’t like me. She seemed distant and not interested but years later, I found out she’d always wanted to be friends but she was just really shy. And there are those people who seem to have it all together and really intimidate us yet they they may themselves be insecure so they over prepare for all situations. Forming preconceived notions can limit our relationships with people and in some cases cause us to not even have one at all. 

And in the same way, if we have a clouded view of God, Our relationship with Him is limited. If we see God as a policeman, we are always fearful; if we see Him as an angry judge, we always feel guilty; but if we see Him like us, we will be casual about our sin. Misconceptions about God will be a barrier in our relationship with Him. What we think about God, shapes our relationship with Him. And what we believe about Him, determines how close we will grow toward Him. 

One think I know, we all have a God-shaped hole in our hearts—a true longing for a real relationship with the Father. We want the friendship, love, and encouragement that only comes from Abba Father. And He creates us for that very purpose. 

“For the Lord your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.””

‭‭Zephaniah‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭NLT‬‬

He IS living among us and He does delight in us and He does rejoice over us! He is our God and He is worthy. Worthy to be praised, but also worthy for us to have a relationship with. A real relationship that merits more than lip service or fear, but one of awe, respect, praise, worship, communication, friendship and love. A real, honest-to-goodness relationship. 

Let’s start this week off right and take a step closer to getting to know the God of the Universe just a little bit better. Ok? 

Love you dear one,



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