Sunday-Mind the Fire

Happy Sunday! I hope you are ready to praise the Lord in fullness and truth today. Last night someone near me was shooting off fireworks—I presume in celebration of this Lord’s Day! 

Well, I’ve had a miserable cold now for a couple of days and this morning a sore throat decided to join the party. I hate being sick. Running just enough fever to make me achy and feel like yuck! has made me think more about Romans 12:11 and how we should work on our internal fire for God. And, since we’ve had this cold front come through, we’re all building fires. Have you noticed that if you ignore your fire that it doesn’t roar? It doesn’t even burn for long. You have to pay attention to your fire to keep it going. Just like our internal spiritual fire—it has to be fed. 

After thinking about it for a while, I read the next verse and realized it’s impossible for verse 11 to happen without fulfilling verse 12! It’s almost like they should be in reverse order. 

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:12‬ ‭ESV‬‬

Be hopeful even when things aren’t good, be patient when things are terrible, and above constantly in prayer—working on that fire!! (I think with my cold today, I’m working on the hopeful thing ;). 

Pay attention to that fire and make it roar—no matter your circumstances. It simple obedience to the Father. 

Love you dear friend,



  1. Prayers for you,sweet Sister~thank you for your Morning Thoughts~


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