Its Tuesday—Transforming 

It’s Tuesday! And let’s determine to have a great day and turn it over to the Almighty and let Him direct it and lead us in the way that He would have us to go today.

 I don’t know what the weather is like where you are but in northwest Oklahoma, fall has finally arrived and we have had to turn off the air conditioners and turn on some heat in the cool mornings. Tonight, we are supposed to get close to freezing. All I can say is “Yeah.” (That was not said with any enthusiasm.) Our weather is transforming. In some areas of the US and Mexico, the weather doesn’t change much, but in Oklahoma we get very transformative seasons. 

Much like Oklahoma’s weather though, the Word of God is transformative. In fact, it is so comprehensive that it’s able to totally transform the inner person. Psalm 19:7 says, “The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul” (NKJV). Isn’t that a great phrase “the law of the Lord?” I love that. The word law here means the Torah that God gave to Moses for Israel, “the law for life, rule for living.” When you read that God’s Word is law, it means it is the norm or the standard by which every thing we do is measured.

God says about His own Word that it’s “perfect.” The word perfect here means literally “all-sided” or “many-faceted,” so in context we can say that it is “all encompassing” or “thorough in every respect.” And the next phrase bears that out saying this “law of the Lord” is so comprehensive and so powerful that it results in “converting the soul.”

It seems pretty clear that the reading and speaking of scripture is the answer to the problems of the soul. One scholar puts it like this “God’s law is so totally comprehensive that it is able to convert a soul.” The word convert is the perfect word here. Some translations use “revive” or “restore,” but it seems to me the best meaning is “transform.”

God promises that His law is so totally comprehensive that, whatever the condition of the individual soul, His Word can transform it from top to bottom, from inside to outside, from past to future. 

Like the weather in Oklahoma, the Word of God can transform who we are as a person—it can change us completely. 

Today, make sure you get your dose of the Word—continue to let it transform you and make you more like Christ. Read it out loud so you not only see the words but you hear that transformative, converting power as well. 

Love you dear one, 



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