It's Wednesday--We Fall Down

Happy Wednesday to you. I hope you are feeling well today and that you have given God praise for this day. I had a good day yesterday. I was blessed to be able to visit the Mercantile in Pawhuska, OK with a group of folks from First Baptist Church in Grove. It was quite the trip. I had been there about 3 minutes when I took a tumble and skinned both my knees and cut my hand. Just about the time I regained my senses, along came the famous Marlboro Man of the place. So I smiled for a picture and asked for a band-aid. Quite the exciting time. 

But before we got to Pawhuska, we'd stopped for coffee at a shop in Claremore called She-brews. A coffee/lunch shop that is owned and ran by women who have served time in prison. These women now all love Jesus and are working to put their lives on the right track and learn how to parent and live according to God's plan. Their testimonies would make the hardest of hearts tear up. The story of how the ministry came to be is nothing short of miraculous. 

After I fell, I couldn't help but think about the people that tried to help me get and ask me if I was ok. Then, I compared that with the women who had fallen morally and legally (mostly with drug addictions) and who tried to help them stand back up?   

“If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble.”  ‭‭Ecclesiastes‬ ‭4:10‬ ‭NLT‬‬

It gave me pause to say the least. In our world, we are quick to help each other, but how often and how quick are we to help those that are not like us, those that have really fallen and truly need our help? I pray we can find it in our hearts to love everyone, especially those who are different than ourselves. All of God's children. Especially those least "deserving."

Today, pray for God to send someone into your path that needs love, that needs you to say "can i help you?" "Are you ok?" Be the hands and feet of God this very day. 

Love you dear friend,



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