Happy Wednesday—Renew Your Mind

Happy Wednesday and I hope this is a beautiful day in the Lord for you! Yesterday, I lived out a teen-age dream of mine. I sat in the driver’s seat of a plush, leather, shiny black Maserati. Man, o man!Since I was 17 and saw Burt Reynolds speed off in his girlfriend’s blue one in The Longest Yard, I’ve thought “That’s how you know you’ve arrived and some day, I want to have one of those!” Well, it was nice and all, but guess what...it really was just a car. And even though I didn’t drive it, my guess is that it wouldn’t get me where I wanted to go any better than the $8400 4-Runner I bought. In fact, it probably would have got me in lots more trouble and wouldn’t get me to lots of places where I need to get—namely the mountains across the border. As I sat in it I thought about trying to drive it up the mountain to Chikue and just giggled. 

It’s fun to dream dreams and have wishes, but isn’t it amazing how as we grow up how those wants and wishes change? And as we grow up and mature in the Lord, those dreams and wishes take on an entirely different directions.

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:2‬ ‭NIV‬‬

When we renew our minds, it’s like restarting them. Does your computer or your phone ever just lock up? And the only thing that will help it work again is to shut it completely off for a few seconds and then restart it? You have to give it a chance to clear everything out and reboot. And it’s not like once you’ve done it you never, ever have to do it again. Every so often, you have to do it—it just clogs up. Our minds are like that. We have to clear everything out and renew them from scratch—every so often. When we clean everything out and reboot them, only then can we really be transformed. First, out with all the junk and clutter of this world that has been holding us back, then renew it with the things of God. 

Today, ask God to help you clean your mind. Clean out the world and all the things of this world so you can give your mind a spiritual renewing. How very different will your wants and wishes be looking? And how good does that transformation feel? I know I love it! 

Love you precious one,



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