Happy Saturday- Simply Temporary

Happy Saturday.  How was your week? Are you weary and worn from the struggles of trying to get through the trial and troubles you faced this week or was it a pretty easy one? Did the world just sling one thing after another at you and just about the time you felt like you’d deflected one arrow, here came another? Some weeks are like that...some months are like that...in fact, some times we have a year like that. And then others, we seem to just slide by. But you know, if we truly believe the word of God, we must believe that this is temporary—all this life...all temporary. The easy and the tough. 

I’ve spent the last couple of weeks debating over a car. Should I upgrade my car or shouldn’t I? I’ve looked, test drove, and just to be really honest, I’ve coveted! They are nice—showing you how to back up without bumping into something or if someone is creeping up on your blind spot and they beep if you’re about to hit something. Really nice for a bad driver like me! And how good would I look, anyway in that shiny thing, huh? 

“Don’t love the world’s ways. Don’t love the world’s goods. Love of the world squeezes out love for the Father. Practically everything that goes on in the world—wanting your own way, wanting everything for yourself, wanting to appear important—has nothing to do with the Father. It just isolates you from him. The world and all its wanting, wanting, wanting is on the way out—but whoever does what God wants is set for eternity.”  ‭1 John 2:15-17‬

‭Actually, the car I’m‬ ‭driving was really cool and shiny just a few years ago.‬ ‭Let’s face it.‬ ‭This world and all its goods...TEMPORARY! The only thing that lasts? Whatever is done for God.‬ ‭It’s taken me a few years to get that through‬ ‭my head, but I‬ ‭think it’s finally starting to sink‬ ‭in.‬ And then...I think about the people i left just a couple of weeks ago. People who worry about how they are going to eat through the winter and feed their kids. People who worry about staying warm. And I feel very small and really very much like a spoiled child. And I beg God to refocus my heart. 

‭Today, will you with me concentrate on‬ ‭what will last? ‬The things that are eternal? Let’s not love the world or it’s goods today. If we can do that for this one day, maybe we could for another too, but let’s shoot for this day first. Are you with me?

Love you dear one,



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