Happy Saturday - New Every Morning

Happy Saturday to you! I sure hope you remembered today that the love and mercy of Jesus were new this very morning and that today will be a great day spent with Him. 

“GOD ’s loyal love couldn’t have run out, his merciful love couldn’t have dried up. They’re created new every morning. How great your faithfulness! I’m sticking with GOD (I say it over and over).”  ‭‭Lamentations‬ ‭3:22-24‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Aren’t you glad it’s created new? When we mess up badly, it can just be made new. I have a friend (who is going to kill me for saying this) but got her hair a bit darker than she intended. But, it will grow and it will be created new (she will just have to wait more than one morning!) But like our hair we cut too short or crooked, it will in time be fixed. And our sins can be made clean and fixed as well—without waiting for it to grow! Christ came that we can be fixed and fixed completely. That we could be justified...”just as if I’d never” as Bob Hudson would say.  

You know, I don’t like carnations. I think it’s because we made them out of Kleenex for homecoming floats in high school and college and we made millions of them. And my boyfriends always gave me carnation corsages. (I’m sure they had no clue) Ugly carnation corsages. Red ones, white ones blue ones, white ones with red tips...all ugly! I have a deal with several friends to throw away any carnations that show up at my funeral. If you love me just come and bring cookies! 

For me, carnations can ruin an otherwise beautiful bouquet. Just like a life that hasn’t let go of sin. Certain things, old habits and sins we just cling to tightly that Christ will take and clean up. Just like my friends have promised to do for me, Christ can do for the real show, the one that really matters. For this life and the one to come. 

Today, if there is anything at all between you and the Savior, let Him take it for you. Get rid of that burden, He never meant for you to struggle under the weight of trying to carry it. His love and mercy didn’t dry up, it was new this morning! 

Love you dear one,



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