Happy Wednesday - His Banner Over Me

Happy Wednesday! Are you having a good week? I've been noticing the flags for some reason this week. I think one of the strangest things about being in a foreign country is that when you are in a public places and you look up, you don't see your country's flag. You are so familiar with that banner flying over you that just assume it will be there. It gives you a sense of security and peace that when you don't see it, it throws you off and you feel a bit uneasy and insecure. 

We are told in scripture that the Lord is our banner. He is the flag that we follow. He is Yahweh-Nissi, a reigning banner providing the covering over us all the time. He gives us our security and our sense of well being. 

The Hebrew for "banner" comes from the root word "to be high" or "raised" which was the name Moses gave to the altar he erected to celebrate the victory of the Children of Israel over the Amalekites. We know our Yahweh-Nissi, goes before us, to clear the way. We know he goes behind to protect us from any enemy that may wish to attack us unaware. He gives us the victory through every circumstance of life because even in the middle of the battle, the banner of the Lord is raised high over us. 

“You serve me a six-course dinner right in front of my enemies. You revive my drooping head; my cup brims with blessing.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭23:5‬ ‭MSG‬‬

Who is the God who prepares a table of celebration in the presence of the enemy? When the enemy comes at us like a tidal wave, the Lord holds up a banner to provide a sea wall for us. Our Yahweh-Nissi will form a hedgerow of protection around us because the battle belongs to Him. 

Today, what ever battle you are trying to fight on your own, consciously give it to Yahweh-Nissi, the banner over you. The God who protects you is worthy of our praise. Praise Yahweh-Nissi. 

Love you dear one,



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