Happy Thursday - My Peace I Give You

Happy Thursday. I surely hope your week has gone well and that you have found several opportunities to praise the Lord our God and that you have been able to share some of what the Lord has done for you with someone else. 

Right now? There is a bit of unrest in the mountains where our friends Johnny and Marta and Shawn are. We continually bathe them in prayer and ask God for a hedge of protection for them and we pray for Yahweh-Shalom to enter that place. Yahweh-Shalom, the Lord is Peace first greeted Gideon and it was Gideon who built an alter to the Lord named "The Lord is Peace."  

Right after that however, God had Gideon go and tear down Gideon's father's big altar to Baal and build a new altar to God as well as sacrifice a bull on that new altar. I've often wondered about that very "unpeaceable" act by the God whom was just called PEACE. It must have been really controversial because Gideon did it at night so he knew the people were going to be mad at him. And when they woke up and saw what had been done, complete with the remains of the sacrifice to Yahweh, they were a bit upset! 

God doesn't necessarily promise us peace from the world but He does promise us peace while we are in the world because he promises us that He will be our peace. Just as Jewish friends say Shalom to each other, we can say "The Lord is our Peace". When our Shepherd leads us, He leads us beside peaceful, still waters. 

“He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.”  ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭23:2‬ ‭NLT‬‬

True peace comes from knowing and walking with the Savior. Knowing Jesus brings a contentment and a sense of security that just cannot be found elsewhere. Only in Jesus, will you find sufficiency, serenity, and yes, true peace. He tells us it's a peace that the world cannot understand nor take away. He is the source, He is Jehovah Shaloam. 

Today, rest in that sufficiency and peace that can only be found in your relationship with the Savior. Praise Jehovah Shaloam. 

Love you dear one,



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