
Happy Friday! I hope your week has gone well and I hope you have continued to remember to pray for those in Texas affected by this terrible flooding. 

Yesterday, I spent some time with Gracie and Cooper. We had a good time together and while I was watching them, I prayed that the good work that was beginning in them would continue throughout their lives. Later, I re-read the scripture. 

“And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.”

‭‭Philippians‬ ‭1:6‬ ‭NLT‬‬

When Paul wrote this letter, he was writing to beloved friends at the church in Philipi. (He probably founded that church, but he doesn't really ever take credit for it.) He delivers here what some scholars are have called one of the three greatest verses in the Bible. 

When I was really reading it (in several versions) I kept wondering why he says the work will continue in you "until the day of the Lord" rather than "as long as you live" because obviously a whole host of Christians have already died, yet Christ has not yet returned. So how can He complete the work without returning? 

(I may get trampled by the theology majors but...) I think it is referring the fact that what begins in you continues way past your death. The work that began in you is continued through all those we influence--the great chain if you will. Those we influence for Christ continue to move and grow and influence people who continue the work after we have left planet earth. Think about it--the work Jesus began in his disciples is the same work that is active in us. Jesus Christ himself is continuing the work through the lives of believers one generation at a time. And the chain doesn't end until the day of His return. 

Today, thank Him for beginning and continuing the work in you. And praise Him that you are included in this great chain chain of believers. 

Love you dear friend,



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