
Happy Wednesday! I hope your week is going well. Last Sunday, I heard a sermon on the Exodus that I've thought about for a few days now. There were a couple of things about it that I'd never pondered before.

One was that when the final judgement comes to those whose hearts have been hardened by sin, it comes unexpectedly and suddenly. Those Egyptians hearts had been dulled to sin and they were just blind to everything around them. Those Egyptians ran straight into the sea--what kind of an army does that? It almost makes you wonder if they even knew where they were before the water collapsed over them. Doesn't that sound like the world today? Hardened hearts, blind to sin and circumstance? No matter how strong and sure one might feel, the result of opposing God is death.

Secondly, in stark contrast was the security of the Israelites, even if they were afraid and couldn't see the way. While the Israelites were scared and not at all sure of the outcome, the Egyptians were very sure of the outcome! Things are not always what they seem. Today when we look around, it's so easy to throw up our hands and say "Things are just too bad! There is no way anything good can come out of this!" But...things are not always what they seem. The Bible clearly tells us to be ready, expectant, sensitive to sin, and pursuing and promoting purity, especially as the day of the Lord’s return gets closer.

And third, God keeps his promises.
“But Moses told the people, “Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the Lord rescue you today. The Egyptians you see today will never be seen again.”
‭‭Exodus‬ ‭14:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬. Don't you love that "stand still and let the Lord rescue you..."? How often do we try to make things right ourselves and end up with a mess--like we can handle it better than God?  When He told the Israelites that they would never have to see those people again, they absolutely didn't. And (I love this) the Israelites didn't mess with Egyptians again until the days of King Solomon. God keeps His Word.

Today, remember with God, things are not always what they seem. He is still the same God who rescued the Israelites while they stood still. And He will rescue us today--stand still and let God move.

Love you friend,


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