
Happy Tuesday! So...where were you for the great eclipse of 2017? Some folks like my sister in Kansas City had a complete black out. Others like us in Oklahoma just had a partial. And some of my friends in Mexico are saying "what?" We didn't have the approved glasses but we did do the pin hole in the paper and when we saw it get more than half covered, we put on 5 pair of sunglasses--I figured that had to be pretty good, don't you think? It was an astounding thing to witness. 

I think what amazed me was that even though we had 89% coverage, it was still very bright outside. It was noticeably cooler and a little strange feeling, but with only 11% of the sun, it was pretty bright. Until I went inside. It was much darker than normal in my house. That got my attention. 

Is that how it is when we only let some of the Son shine through us? Maybe most people don't notice it much even though it may not be as bright as it should be, and we may be a little cooler than we ought to be. But in our homes and in the other places where we need all of Him to make it, it's very evident that we are only letting 11% or whatever to shine through and its dark. But, just like the moon passed over the sun in a few minutes, we can let whatever is keeping us from shining o move right on by as well. 

““Jerusalem, get up and shine! Your Light is coming! The Glory of the Lord will shine on you. Darkness now covers the earth, and the people are in darkness. But the Lord will shine on you, and his Glory will appear over you.”
Isaiah 60:1-2 ERV

The Hebrew for shine in this passage is OVRI. It means "to be or to become a light". We are called In this passage to get up and to be the light. We are to let the glory of the Lord shine on us to the point that we become the light. Maybe I'm a little simple here, but it's not very complex--we are to be one and the same with the Light. He should be so much a part of us that it's hard to tell where we end and He begins. He should be your closest companion, just like one who finishes your sentences for you. 

Today, let more of Jesus shine through you than you did yesterday. Let His light be so much a part of you that it IS you. 

Love you dear friend, 



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